Who is the brand?
Brands are just like people! One’s identity comprises the perceptions they have of themselves that they have gained through their interaction with others. In the same manner, brand identities (of brands such as Apple and Swatch) are built interactively as a collaboration with their customers. Customers (the brand's significant others) are actively participating in creating the meanings associated with the brand. People derive their identity more from social interactions with others than from internal, psychological forces (Kleine, Kleine, and Kernan 1993). And as Orhan Pamuk argues in his book Istanbul: "Once imprinted in our minds, other people's reports of what we have done end up mattering more than what we ourselves remember." In a similar manner, brand identity is derived from customers' interactions with the brand.
Moreover, with brands, as it is with people, there is a practical side and an emotional side bringing out personality, images and feelings.
How to make our brand your best friend?When we experience a brand, it affects us on two levels: conscious and subconscious. The information collected through our senses (defined simply as perception) determines our conscious/rational response which relates closely to 'immediate satisfaction.' Perception is filtered through our mood and feelings at the moment of obtaining the information with our senses.
Therefore, the kind of mood the target audience is in when the message is delivered is of paramount importance. Strategy: either 1) identify when and where the individual will be in the desired mood and then deliver the message or 2) set the elements of the environment in such a manner so that the right mood is created and then deliver the message.
First and foremost, however, the message needs to be brought into one's awareness for it to have an impact. But when would the message be noticed? When does awareness occur? Awareness happens only when external sensory inputs violate internal expectations. That is why the most critical element of an effective and impactful ad is the element of surprise. For a stimulus to be detected by a viewer/listener, it must not match his/her internal predictions.
Therefore, the kind of mood the target audience is in when the message is delivered is of paramount importance. Strategy: either 1) identify when and where the individual will be in the desired mood and then deliver the message or 2) set the elements of the environment in such a manner so that the right mood is created and then deliver the message.
First and foremost, however, the message needs to be brought into one's awareness for it to have an impact. But when would the message be noticed? When does awareness occur? Awareness happens only when external sensory inputs violate internal expectations. That is why the most critical element of an effective and impactful ad is the element of surprise. For a stimulus to be detected by a viewer/listener, it must not match his/her internal predictions.
The non-conscious effects of a product relates to what the thing actually means to us. How to unearth the deeply rooted feelings one holds towards an object, product, act, event?
What does object x mean to segment A?
Link products to emotional desires and feelings -> people behave irrationally
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