Sucessful ad technique: Dramatization of the Consequences of an Issue

While I was studying at the University of Denver, I attended a presentation by Professor Stephen Kopcha where he spoke about the role of humor in advertising. He provided us with one really valuable advertising insight. Today, I still remember when he showed us an example of an advertisement, presenting a serious issue like racism in a humorous manner, and when he said that one of the most effective advertising strategies is to dramatize the consequences of a relevant issue.
In the context of the UK's growing addiction to throwaway fashion, the key to convincing consumers to buy less clothing is to dramatize the consequences of "overconsumption" by taking it to an extreme, even a ridiculous level.
What would the consequences be of a person over-consuming clothing? She would add layers and layers of clothes until she couldn't even walk.

And here is the cartoon:

This guy would hardly be able to walk! Let's prevent ourselves from being hit by a car as a result of our inability to cross the street in one minite or so!


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