Grade 1 Communication and its Role in Relationship Building and Sustaining

This is a stand-alone, individually prepared unit that centers on communication as a vehicle for relationship building and nurturing.
Motto of the unit: if friendship was a bicycle, communication would be its wheels.
The goal of the unit is to demonstrate the usefulness of acquiring new language for the aim of building and enjoying cross-cultural friendships.

The two rules that I apply when teaching kids at this particular age level (6-7 years-old) are the following:
Rule #1 Always give students options to choose from and require from them to justify themselves (why they made this particular decision)
Rule #2 Ask students to find the resources needed in order to complete the asigned activity; they may need to ask for help or use available resources in a creative way


Provocation: present onion as a symbol of personality and friendship progression. The closer we get to our friends, the more we reveal about ourselves, the more layers of our personality we peel off.  Ask students to list one adjective that describes them best and peel a layer of the onion in the meantime.

First step of friendship building: getting to know your friend through showing interest and asking questions.

Record a video of every class with their respective questions towards a kid from abroad.

 In-class activity (imagination): Ask students to compare friendship to an object and to justify their comparison.
"Friendship is like.....because...."

Generate as many as possible responses and construct a mind map. Tease children's curiosity by presenting their fellow classmates' responses and ask them why they think their friends made such comparisons.

Word dice made out of a milk box
Sustaining and nurturing the friendship
When the response in received, reflect on it. Have students decide on a virtual way to demonstrate their thankfulness and appreciation by taking into consideration the information Layan (9-year old girl from Saudi Arabia) shares about herself, such as her hobbies, her personality, and dream.
Introduce students to the overall goal of the unit - do something that would help strengthen a relationship of yours) and let them devise their own outcome of the unit.
G1A: Record and send back "Thank you" video to Layan; featuring what they know and have learned about Friendship throughout the unit

G1B: Record and send back video to Layan; featuring information about Indonesian culture (Layan enjoys learning about new cultures)

G1C: Come up with a way to show their love to their best friend and to cultivate their friendship by using traditional means of communication such as a story, poem, letter, postcard, song, drawing a picture). Any piece of work has to be tailored specifically to the person in mind. Students have to justify their choice.



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