Animals Unit [Preschool]

Children are handed out pictures of different animals.

 After coloring them,

...children randomly get one of these pictures. Without seeing it, they hang it on their neck so as only their friends can look at it and recognize the animal.

The student needs to figure out what is the animal by relying on his friends's positive or negative response to the inquiry: "Am I...(making the sound of the animal)?"
  • What do animals eat?
Children color papers with the food of certain animals.

Then, they grab a stuffed animal, make a circle, and wait for the colored papers to be thrown into the air.

When the papers fall on the floor, the children have to "feed" their stuffed animal by choosing the appropriate paper-food.

  • Animals in rice - one kid is blind-folded and have to search for a miniature animal inside the bowl of rice and try to guess what animal they picked up only by touching it

  • Dramatic/role play - fishing
Materials needed: chopsticks, two colors of knitting yarn (one for the fishing line and one for the worm)

In-class warm-up "fishing"

Fishing in the pond
All it takes to catch a fish is patience.

  • Stuffed animals
Have children bring a stuffed animal from home. Then, sit in a circle where everyone is holding only one animal. While singing Old Mcdonald, have the students pass the stuffed animal to their neighbor on the right. Students have to hold only one animal at a time. When the teacher stops singing, kids stop passing on the animals. On the first round kids have to say what animal they HAVE (I have a monkey); on the second round - where their animal LIVEs (rabbits live in the forest); on the third round - what their animal EATs (dogs eat meat).
  • Roll the Dice - excellent wrap up activity:


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